Sunday 5 July 2015

Books I've read this week

These are the books I've read this week

10 Secrets to growing black hair long & fast- C Collins

The book starts with regular stuff like drink water, exercise, use less heat etc. What I am intrigued by is the inversion method suggested. She says to massage your head with oil while bending over- like you are trying to touch your feet- for precisely 4 minutes for 7 days continuously & then a break for 3 weeks. The author claims that following the inversion method will increase hair length by 1/2 to 1 inch in 1 week.  I'm very tempted to try.

Another thing suggested is sealing the hair to retain moisture by LOC method       (Liquid-Oil-Cream ) method. This is done by spraying hair with water, coating ends of hair with oil & finally applying a hair cream. Put your hair up in a bun or so after this to reduce contact with natural elements or even hair brushing against your clothes. This must be done once a week.

Sleeping on a satin pilow case. I've always wanted to try this to avoid frizzy hair and tangling,  but now I've found a way- a satin scarf. Drape the scarf on your regular pillow case and ta- da.

200 tips, techniques & recipes for natural beauty- Shannon Buck

Absolutely loved this one. There are plenty of recipes in every section & is extremely detailed. I like how she takes you through the entire process of making your own cosmetics; right from sourcing to mixing to storing. Worth every penny.  Must have book for everyone trying to start making their own.

P.S : If you don't want to invest in the book head over to her blog

Gone Girl- Gillian Flynn

OMG! I haven't loved a book this much in a long time. Many, many twists & characters that surprise you & themselves. Didn't like the ending but whoa! the rest of the book is a roller coaster ride. Try this.

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